With our app you can now
book an artist straight to your
front door.

Go against the stream.
You’re putting together an event. Everything is almost perfect. Almost. What if you could get just the right LIVE music to take your gathering to the next level? Set aside your playlist and book a live artist to turn your special occasion into an unforgettable one.
With GIXON, you can discover local artists, check their availability, and book them to play for you in less than five minutes on our easy-to-use app.
Regardless of your event or your budget, if you’re into live music, GIXON can help.

You want an amazing artist?
We´ll connect you.
Styles, genres, and setlists – we’ve got it all. From
diamonds in the rough to well-oiled machines, come
check out some of the fan favorites below.
Gixon is available on Android & iOS.
Find your next favorite artist now.
Enjoy your own gig.